And the yacht was purchased - 1:24, TT Odyssey, a production company known Thunder Tiger.
The choice was due to the size of the yacht, allowing the waters to go to a small area and impressive detailing vessel. Copying details make a model on the water is indistinguishable similar to the original. And in a room on a shelf, yacht attracted to imagine his views elegance and beauty.
With complete
So, the yacht is at home. Luxurious appearance of the box with very colorful pictures, and a good set of equipment to please the whole family together with the novice captain.
In the box were:
* Manufactured housing made of white ABS plastic.
* Sails
* Mast, keel, rudder.
* A foot.
* Detail plywood.
* Detail equipment and management of solid, anodized metal, plastic.
* A reel of lasting cord.
* Glue for plastic and epoxy 5 - minute pitch.
* Colorful stickers.
* Detailed instructions for assembly.
What else is necessary:
1. Two standard machines with a force of not less than 3 kg.
2. One three-channel receiver.
3. On-board battery - assembly of the four batteries.
4. Standard switch side.
Tools used in the assembly:
Nuances assembly
To further ease the assembly model,.
Instruction is indeed needed, with the exception of explanatory drawings. The detailed illustrations and literate allow collect model without knowing the language.
Internal dimensions yacht strikes. It seems that there can play football.
Mounting side not caused any issues, but plywood frame - "motorama" is designed for standard availability were completely different - GWS mini STD and HS-715BB (for winches, specially purchased under the yacht ", and it is worth it). The issue of non-standard equipment installation simply decided - put glue on lining of the relevant pieces leftovers.
Thanks profiled stalk, all embarked on their seats on the first time. The design allows you to set and withdraw avionics very quickly.
The receiver and battery were wrapped in polythene. At the perimeter hatch was a special glue seal (there is a complete set). But as shown, to this issue positively is not enough, I carefully and meticulously - running after the first test was in the hold water. We had re-glue seal, the benefit it more than enough.

Intensive work sails in the period of training to make his case - weekend openings under the sail things had armored aluminum sleeve of ordinary rivets. On instructions pass through the ABS plastic, and as a result of holes severely divided.
Under sail
First launched in the bath was made in order to verify that the yacht is not fall that hole under the helm of the axis does not leak, that all must be done. The results of such tests calmed down, even drought vessel was as indicated in the guide.
This is the next day, and the whole family in the collection went to the nearest pond. Wind was from 1 to 5 m / c. That is all that can be said about the first tests at high water not having any feelings.
I will say only one - delight (and not only my) from the yacht was more than my other models - airplanes, helicopters, machines.
To describe the whole spectrum of emotions from the management of this article yacht little, and too many emotions. After the first diving remember the following: yacht was very easy on the course, withdraw at the slightest movement of pens and turning / turn were just a song - the yacht unfolded just diameter in length Corps model. When the mast is particularly dramatic evolution practically falls on water, causing a storm of emotions among family and reckless dose of adrenaline from novice captain. But the climb in the water for the yacht did not have to - maximum Roll protection after it regains stability rather quickly and smoothly, and it will not affect its course.
The yacht designed and staffed very well. The adjustments are minimal and necessary only when the wind changes forces.
Of the merits of models want to note the following:
* Ease of assembly and customization.
* Good manual.
* The Amazing stability and maneuverability.
* The beauty and elegance of the model.
* Good quality running.
* There were no holes under the desk, nose and stern fences.
* It is very inconvenient to change batteries and power on / off the electronics side.
* The dimensions and design features of the yacht did not allow her to participate in competitive sports of RC yachts.
* Simply cutting a hole under the in the hull boats are unsafe - with a good work they are broken sails and gradually increasing in diameter.
Yet, despite the shortcomings, the yacht would allow the dream of sails! And, at least at times, feel like the captain.

Happy sailing to you and seven feet under the keel!